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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


AltDriveDistance(double) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands.AltDriveDistance
Constructor, or what parameters the code takes in.
arcadeDrive(double, double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.XRPDrivetrain
arcadeDriveCommand(Supplier<Double>, Supplier<Double>) - Static method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands
A command that sets the speed of the robot based on an arcade control scheme, using an Instant Command.
autonomousInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This autonomous runs the autonomous command selected by your RobotContainer class.
autonomousPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called periodically during autonomous.


Constants - Class in frc.robot
The Constants class provides a convenient place for teams to hold robot-wide numerical or boolean constants.
Constants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants


disabledInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called once each time the robot enters Disabled mode.
disabledPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
DriveCommands - Class in frc.robot.commands
A file that should contain all the commands that relate to the drivetrain.
DriveCommands() - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands
DriveCommands.AltDriveDistance - Class in frc.robot.commands
Alternate implementation of the above method using a class instead of a command.
DriveCommands.TurnDegrees - Class in frc.robot.commands
driveDistance(double) - Static method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands
Method that causes the XRP to drive a certain distance


end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands.AltDriveDistance
Called once the command ends or is interrupted.
end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands.TurnDegrees
execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands.AltDriveDistance
Called every time the scheduler runs while the command is scheduled.
execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands.TurnDegrees


frc.robot - package frc.robot
frc.robot.commands - package frc.robot.commands
frc.robot.subsystems - package frc.robot.subsystems


getAutonomousCommand() - Method in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
Use this to pass the autonomous command to the main Robot class.
getAverageDistanceInch() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.XRPDrivetrain
getAverageTurningDistance() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.XRPDrivetrain
getLeftDistanceInch() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.XRPDrivetrain
getRightDistanceInch() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.XRPDrivetrain


initialize() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands.AltDriveDistance
Called when the command is initially scheduled.
initialize() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands.TurnDegrees
isFinished() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands.AltDriveDistance
Returns true when the command should end.
isFinished() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands.TurnDegrees


m_controller - Variable in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
m_rangefinder - Static variable in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
m_servo - Static variable in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
m_xrpDrivetrain - Static variable in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
main(String...) - Static method in class frc.robot.Main
Main initialization function.
Main - Class in frc.robot
Do NOT add any static variables to this class, or any initialization at all.


Rangefinder - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
Rangefinder() - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.Rangefinder
resetEncoders() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.XRPDrivetrain
Robot - Class in frc.robot
The VM is configured to automatically run this class, and to call the functions corresponding to each mode, as described in the TimedRobot documentation.
Robot() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Robot
RobotContainer - Class in frc.robot
This class is where the bulk of the robot should be declared.
RobotContainer() - Constructor for class frc.robot.RobotContainer
The container for the robot.
robotInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be used for any initialization code.
robotPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called every 20 ms, no matter the mode.


sequentialExampleCommand() - Static method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands
Commands can also a part of command groups, which are sets of commands that run in certain ways.
Servo - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
Servo() - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.Servo
ServoCommands - Class in frc.robot.commands
ServoCommands() - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.ServoCommands
servoDegreesPerSecond - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants
servoPresets - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants


teleopInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
teleopPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called periodically during operator control.
testInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
testPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called periodically during test mode.
TurnDegrees(double, double) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands.TurnDegrees
Creates a new TurnDegrees.
turnDegreesCommand(double, double) - Static method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands


XRPDrivetrain - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
XRPDrivetrain() - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.XRPDrivetrain
Creates a new XRPDrivetrain.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values